TwoGap - Only in the fifth dimension can she see the whole financial market on earth

Why we are here?
In current crypto market, many crypto investors loss their money, even losing all when tokens they invest disappear in crypto trading exchange.
In the growing doubt of crypto market nowadays, current investors are likely to exit as well as new investors are in the fear of investing in crypto market. This has spiraled the Global Crypto Market deep in long down
trend, even it maybe collapses.
How it will be solved?
300 years ago until now, the appearance of Bonds have saved and thrived the Global Security Market.
Current Global Security Market Cap is estimated by $65 trillion Stocks plus $100 trillion Bonds. We can see the enormous scale as well as the potential of Bonds Market today.
In near future, CryptoBonds will be the biggest scale stop-loss product to save Crypto Investors. In addition, CryptoBonds also will be a reliable crypto market where investors who have loss their confidence in crypto market can put the trust in.
Coinmarketcap now is $267 billion. Futute Global Crypto Market Cap is calculated by CryptoBond Market Cap plus Coin Market Cap.
What is Twogap?
Crypto Platform was formed to bring for Crypto Investors the opportunity to acquire powerful and biggest-scale stop-loss products. It is called CryptoBond TwoGap platform will help issuer to encrypt traditional Bonds into CryptoBonds, which are circulated legal in the Crypto Market. Besides that, Twogap platform also protects investors, boost the market,
extends the scale, and becomes the backbone of the Global Crypto Market’s sustainable growth)
The Twogap platform is named after the two-gap model published by Hollis Chenery in 1962. This model posits that if the investment required for growth is a fixed rate, investment deficits would be the main constraint on growth.
On the Twogap platform, we also provide TGT Tokens for incentive mechanism on it’s economic. These are not security tokens but utility tokens. They are used to unlock all features and transactions on the Twogap platform. Therefore, they are not regulated by the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC). Globe Bond market size is 1.6 times larger than the
stock market (more than $100 Trillion). So the naturally potential demand of the TGT Tokens are enormous.
We will describe all key modules of the project in the following single document to make it easier for customers, investors, contributors, researchers, and partners for the better understanding on the insight of the Twogap platform and How it shape tomorrow of Globe Cryptocurrency Market.
Why we are here?
Why is crypto investor always risking stalking? Why are they losing money and even losing all their capital?
Those who are interested in the blockchain industry and the crypto market, who have been watching the price volatility of Bitcoin's or other Altcoins’ and who have invested in those currencies, have beenthrilled and excited about the unexpected profits, or have gone disappointed even panic when the market drops dramatically. They might have heard of FOMO and FUD syndromes that have dominated their investment mindset. These psychologies drive buying and selling from the crowds of investors before they realize they want to do so, which can end up unexpectedly negative outcomes.
"These are not just hypotheses or philosophical speculations. Today we can use brain scans to predict people's wants and decisions long before they realize them. In one type of experiment, the person was placed inside a large brain scanner, holding a switch in each hand. They are required to hit one of the two switches whenever they feel like it. Scientists who observe the neural activity in the brain can predict which switch the person will click before he actually does so, and even before he or she becomes aware of his or her intent. Neurological events in the brain indicate that the person's decision starts from a few hundred milliseconds to a few seconds before he or she becomes aware of this choice." excerpted from Homo Deus: A Brief History of Tomorrow.

The whale of the crypto market took advantage of the excitement and vulnerability of the masses of ordinary investors to put them in the big trap of Pum and Dump to gradually withdraw their money. In the massacre of general investors, whales also destroy the market. A series of massive shocks resonate the destructive power of the end that will eventually push the crypto market to collapse.
Is the crypto market stuck in a vicious cycle called mid-cap trap created by itself?
The answer is YES.
Is the market cap likely to escape the threshold of $300 billion to $400 billion?
Is it likely to climb to the thousands of billions of dollars?
You can imagine that if a giant pump drains a large amount of water outside and then pumps it up into a lake, after that, immediately draws that amount of water out of the lake, will the remaining water level of the lake change?
The answer is absolutely no. The water level will stay the same.
How to raise the level of the water in the lake?
Only two ways is to pump up the water in the lake and not draining water out of it or draining a smaller amount of water rather than the pumped water. Only then does the water in the lake increase.
How to apply that into the crypto market?
If we can retain old investors with their wallets into that market, in the meantime, attracting more new investors to participate in the game, then we can see the the growth of total amount flowing money.
How to do that?
If their capital is protected, they will stay.
How to protect their investment capital?
There should be a product or a stop-loss tool, which is enough effective and powerful to protect their wallets whenever the market dumps dramatically.
In addition, this product or this stop-loss tool should have an big cap to be counterpoised with the large investments in the market.
Has this product or this stop-loss tool appeared in the market?
Seems YES.
What is it?
They are USDT and True USD.
Will these products help investors to stop-loss?
The answer still seems YES. If the market turns down dramatically, crypto investors will immediately switch to these stable coins. They will stop trading and keep these stable coins, but they won’t get any interest rate. If they want billions
of dollars, they will not have an enough dollar supply to back their stable coins.
Are there any stable crypto coins that when investors keep them, they still
can enjoy interest rates and unlimited supply?
What are their names?
We call them CryptoBonds.
Now, let’s compare USDT, True USD and CryptoBonds USDT and TrueUSD: Interest rate is 0% CryptoBond: has interest rate.
USDT and TrueUSD are backed by actual dollars. Therefore, the size of issuance is limited because there is not enough dollars in the bank.
CryptoBonds are backed by bonds. Therefore, the size of issuance is unlimited.
In other words, the limit of total global bonds is approximately $100,000 billion Now you could see that this solution is effective and has enough size for investors and total global crypto market.
Crypto Bonds is the key to unlock the answer of how to escape the mid-cap trap created by the crypto market itself for over the past 9 years to become a mature market capped with thousands of billions of dollars in the next few years.
What is Twogap?
How Twogap will solve these problems?
A. Unique value propositions
Twogap platform was formed to bring for Crypto Investors the opportunity to acquire powerful and biggest-scale stop-loss tools and products - CryptoBonds

Twogap – Thriving the cryptocurrency market by CryptoBonds
B. Competitor / Unfair advantages
Traditional competitors: BlackRock Crypto competitors: USDT, TrueUSD...etc, are limited in scalability due to being backed by USD. However, CryptoBonds of Twogap expands very fast and there is virtually no limit because of Bond's back.
TGT Tokens are not security tokens. They are utility tokens, they are utilized to unlock services and transactions on the Twogap platform, so they are utility tokens. They are not covered by the SEC. Most tokens of competitors are security tokens, so they may face thestrict monitoring by SEC.
Special marketing channels should be especially low-cost activities.
Tokenized Bonds with commandless and programmerless - graphical interface. So it’s difficult for the opponents to imitate.
Fisrtly Twogap will solve problems associated with the transaction. This is a very sensitive part of the financial industry where almost everything is associated with money. Unlike traditional, where the trades take up to five days (5days), Twogap Platform is determined at performing transactions in seconds. This reduction of trade time from days to seconds has a great impact to investors who have increased demand of their assets as they can get the relevant information on transaction in less time compared to other platforms. This problem of taking up to five days has delayed a lot of trades between investors hence reducing the nations GNP.
Using Twogap platform therefore, will act as an accelerator to this transaction and the general benefit will affect the nation, clients and the financial industry.
Secondly, in spite of well improved engines and research methods in Twogap platform, the transaction fee is reduced by two-thirds compared to alternative solutions. This is a huge reduction fraction and through this feature the problem of users who are in need paying huge amounts are solved in Twogap. In connection to reduced transaction fees, the client
using this platform will have his returns plus the two-thirds reduced fee. This therefore, makes Twogap the best platform for investors, organizations and individuals who want high solved in Twogap. In connection to to reducing transaction fees, the client using this platform will have his returns plus the two-thirds reduced fee. This therefore, makes Twogap the best platform for investors, organizations and individuals who want high returns.
The third solution in the transition silo is that this platform will eliminate the risk associated with single point failure which is experienced in other traditional platforms. This is done through the virtue of consensus algorithms which work jointly with a peer to peer distributed ledger.
Additionally, unlike in traditional platform where there is no security for users information, Twogap has improved tool that resist tampering of the information through the immutability of the Twogap Blockchain and its applied algorithm. More so, there is streaming of payments in Twogap platform where instead of monthly reconciliations, this feature remits the micro payouts of funds by second commensurate with accordance to bond performance.
C. Competitive advantages in marketing.
On the third silo – the marketing silo, this particular platform has improved marketing tools. This because, from the ICO stage onwards, Twogap platform is newsworthy and has its own prominent news every week.
This feature is very essential as many users using any platform would want to have the news about that particular platform for them to understand their future plan for future. Additionally, Twogap platform engages a world – class publicity team which is responsible for all public relations. This make it possible for the Twogap platform to get view, comments and complains from its users and community at large and therefore amend parts where complains might arise.
D.Target clients:
Crypto Investor: Individual & Institutional
E. Partnership network channels:
Businesses of diplomatic mission
International business association
Chambers of commerce
Non-governmental organizations
Global rating agencies
Big Four and other audit firms
F. Marketing channels
Mutual funds, hedge funds
Traditional brokers and dealers
Crypto exchange
Crypto funds
Solution mechanism
Based on the demand and supply monitoring, evaluation and research, Twogap platform provides a wide range ofbasic features for encrypting, issuing, processing transactions, guaranteeing, escrow, brokerage, selling and buying for Bonds Twogap's blockchain exchange, all these features and transactions are implemented via:
Bonds encrypted to CryptoBonds (with a programerless & most visually graphical interface)

The main aim for the introduction and proposal for Twogap platform is to ensure that there is a future solution in bond market and cryptocurrency market problems. This is because this platform will initiate subscriptions model after the ICO hence helping investors and users of Twogap to have extra returns.
Additionally, another main goal of this platform is to ensure that it invests in marketing among its Blockchain and the sub communities in its ecosystem to other investors to enable them take Twogap platform as their preferred financial platform though it might need a lot of resources. More so, Twogap is hoping to attract substantial interests from cryptocurrency market problems together with its users and investors that believe in the importance of this platform.
Problem Definition
A. There’s no way to stop-loss in the cryptocurrency market
B. Traditional Bond exchange fees are high.
C. Trades take 1-5 days to settle.
D. Security is vulnerable in the cryptocurrency world.
E. Privacy is vulnerable in the traditional world.
F. Any traditional fund is a single point of failure for its clients.
Outages and disaster recovery.
Internal dishonesty.
Calculation errors.
In spite of well improved engines and research methods in Twogap platform, the transaction fee is reduced by two-thirds compared to
Key Metrics
Applied technology
Twogap platform base on Ethereum blockchain
TGT token is ERC20 token
Encryption, transaction processing, listing, by 0x protocol

Off - chain order relay
On - chain settlement
In 0x protocol, order are transported off -chains, massively reducing gas costs and eliminating blockchain bloat. Relayers help broadcast orders and collect a fee each time they facilitate a trade.
Anyone can build a relayer.
Most visually programerlemss - graphical interface for issuerunderwriter- relayers - investor.
Liquidity interpenetrated pool.
Two options for issuing CryptoBonds:
Option one: fixed interest rate - Over Counter.
Option two: bid interest - Bid-Ask
Tokenize Bonds on the the progammerless and graphical interface with no command would make it difficult for opponents to imitate
Partnership networking building

We will established partnership with financial organiztions, Goverments, news and PR , exchanges , Blockchain company and foundations.
Businesses of diplomatic mission
International business association
Chambers of commerce
Non-governmental organizations
Global rating agencies
Big Four and other audit firms
Twogap platform engages a world – class publicity team which is responsible for all public relations. This make it possible for the Twogap platform to get view, comments and complains from its users and community at large and therefore amend parts where complains might arise.
Data building
We use the information we have ( as described below and to provide and to support) the Here's how:
A. Provide, personalize and improve our Products.
We use the information we have to deliver our Products, including to personalize features and content . We can also make user’s experience more seamless
B. Location-related information can be based on things like precise device location (if users've allowed us to collect it),
IP addresses.
C. Product research and development: We use the information we have to develop, test and improve our Products, including by conducting surveys and research, and testing and troubleshooting new products and features.
D. Deep learning
E. Provide measurement, analytics, and other business services.
F. Promote safety, integrity and security.
G. Communicate with you.
H. Research and innovate for social good.

Cost structure
Platform building cost
System operation cost
Quarterly audit fees
Partnership networking building cost
Marketing cost
Revenue Stream
CryptoBond issuance fee
Underwriting fee
Listing fee
Interest rate difference for CryptoBond as Dealer - Bid-ask spread
Value growth of TGT Tokens to the pool of reserves
TGT token economic model
Governance, providing incentives, access to applications, and contributing to the network are currently the most widely applied token economic models.
Incentive mechanism
There is one assumption on which nearly all token economic models are based: people act upon incentives. This is based on incentive theory, a human behavioral theory that assumes behavior is motivated by a desire for reinforcement or incentives. In token economics, these incentives are the tokens themselves and they are used to motivate network members to behave to the benefit of the network.
If the trader deals CryptoBonds on Twogap with a TGT token, the transaction fee will be 0% Crypto and CryptoBonds investor, issuer owning a TGT token will receive :
50% transaction fee reduction in the first year
25% transaction fee reduction in the following year
12.5% transaction fee reduction in the third year
6.25% transaction fee reduction in the fourth year
0% transaction fee reduction in the fifth year
The support policy for investors and traders holds TGT tokens similar to Binance, Okex, Houbi.
Model for the usage of TGT token
The more use cases a token has on its platform, the more it will increase in value as the platform gets used more.Twogap is a solid example of this. The Twogap token, TGT, has various use cases on the platform.
TGT is used to pay for issue fee, underwriting fee, listing fee, trading fee.
As the Twogap ecosystem, increases in size and usage, its TGT token will grow in value with it because more people need the token to participate in the ecosystem. The intrinsic value of cryptocurrencies is based on the utility it provides. The more use cases a currency has, the more utilities it serves.
Utility token
“For those raising money, there are a few other tips; you don’t want your token to be considered a security. Remove any words related to shares or dividends from your white paper, and structure your token utility carefully.
Get a lawyer to do a Howey Test and issue an opinion for you. This may just save you some day. Be sure to seek your own legal advice before conducting an ICO”. – Changpeng Zhao – CEO of Binance
Although serving in the Security Industry, Twogap’s TGT Tokens are not security tokens, they are utility tokens. They are used to unlock services and transactions on the Twogap platform and are not subject to the SEC. Almost all other current tokens provided on the market are security tokens which could face the ban from SEC.
The TGT tokens passed Howey Test
The "Howey Test" is a test created by the Supreme Court for determining whether certain transactions qualify as "investment contracts." If so, then under the Securities Act of 1933 and the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, those transactions are considered securities and therefore subject to certain disclosure and registration requirements. The Securities Act and Securities Exchange Act have broad definitions of the term "security" (see Basic Terms for Shareholders and Investors to brush up on your securities terminology). Under these Acts, a security includes many familiar investment instruments such as notes, stocks, bonds, and investment contracts. Under the Howey Test, a transaction is an investment contract if:
It is an investment of money. There is an expectation of profits from the investment
The investment of money is in a common enterprise
Any profit comes from the efforts of a promoter or third party
Tokens in this platform will be required in activities on the platform. It provides the opportunity to users of this platform where by the he (client) is able to access use and take part in the Twogap technology procedures and does not involve any investment interest. This therefore adds an advantage to the purchaser of who are using the services from Twogap platform and thus satisfying the Howey test.
Additionally, TGT tokens will be issued during a sale on August 2018 and users will be able to get the tokens when they perform their profession in the platform’s website as soon as the sale takes place. This will be after the start of the Twogap platform Beta version in October 2018 and these TGT tokens will be used for any aspect of the platform ecosystem.
Additionally, TGT tokens will be issued during a sale on August 2018 and users will be able to get the tokens when they perform their profession in the platform’s website as soon as the sale takes place. This will be after the start of the Twogap platform Beta version in October 2018 and these TGT tokens will be used for any aspect of the platform ecosystem.
TGT might become digital asset in its own right. Should this occur, it would be incidental to TGT’s utility as a medium through which to activate functions on the Twogap platform.
Holders of the Twogap TGT token will have voting rights, which will facilitate compliance with regulatory requirements.
Consensus Algorithm
A. Consensus algorithm secures the Twogap network and the associated Twogap base on Ethereum blockchain.
B. The team is strongly considering proof of work supported by the SHA-256 hash function.
Macroeconomic Policy
TGT tokens will bear four qualities:
Purpose Of TGT Token
Since the token sale will occur on August 2018, the primary purpose of these token will be to equip the end user the keys which will enable then activate functions on the Twogap platform. This is to facilitate the initialization of Twogap platform Beta version in 2018 October.
The secondary purpose of TGT token sales will be to propel the awareness of Twogap through marketing it thus attracting more users.
There is no tertiary purpose of the token sale.
TGT Token distribution
TGT token is ERC20 standard
Maximum 210 billions TGT token will be issued
33% for ICO privatesale and crowdsale
33% reserve for minting (incentive mechanism motivates all parties involved in TGT tokens Economics)
33% for ICO + 33% for incentive mechanism = 66% belong to community
4% for Bounty
15% for R&D
15% for team and advisors


Team & Advisors
"Finding good players is easy. Getting them to play as a team is another story."
Casey Stengel
We are a strong team united professionals and talents from all over the world. We all share the same ideal of flattening the financial world in general and the bond market in particular with the blockchain technology. Twogap team gathers energetic and talented blockchain engineers, blockchain and crypto researchers, and professionals in PR & marketing, management, finance, and government relations, who have hold the leading positions in leading national and international companies. Our advisors are experts in a diverse range of categories of blockchain, finance, bonds. They are dealers, founders of large crypto exchange, senior government lobbyists, and professionals from all over the world.

Here is the information that I present to you in finding information and knowing the TwoGap project currently being run by their team, if there is any error in explaining this article, do not worry, I have written to get accurate information. Information and of course you will be able to speak directly with or their team, at the link.
For more information and join TwoGap social media today please follow these guidelines:
Author by: thomas_sugiarto
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