ICO Review - twogap
About TwoGap The TwoGap Crypto platform was created to provide Crypto Investors with the opportunity to purchase powerful and largest stop-loss products. It is called the CryptoBond TwoGap platform, which will help the issuer to encrypt traditional bonds in CryptoBonds, which are distributed to Crypto Market. In addition, the Twogap platform also protects investors, enhances the market, expands the scale and becomes the basis for the sustainable growth of the Global Crypto Market.) The Twogap platform is named after the two-zone model published by Hollis Chenery in 1962. This model argues that if the investment needed for growth is a fixed rate, the investment deficit will be the main growth constraint. On the Twogap platform, we also provide TGT Tokens for the incentive mechanism at its economic level. These are not security tokens, but utility tokens. They are used to unlock all functions and transactions on the Twogap platform. Therefore, they are not regulated by the Sec...